Back up in Auckland I was working 4 days a week so that I could have Friday's off with Bodie. The new job in Dunedin is a full time job, but I have managed to swing a 9 day fortnight. This means I get every other Friday off to spend with Bodie.
This past Friday was my first Friday off work (that wasn't a holiday). On Thursday night I was a little bit down b/c it would be my first Friday off work with Bodie and not being able to see my coffee group girls that i met up with every.single.friday.for.three.years! What made it a bit sadder was when I was putting Bodie to bed Thursday night we were talking about how tomorrow he's not going to big boy kindy, but staying home with me. Bodie then got all excited and said "And we're gonna see Johanna, Niamh, and Anna?!?". I had to tell him "No", so then he asked if we were going to see Jody, Laura and Kat (the girls moms)? This then snowballed into a story about the six of them and a song!
Luckily, Simon's mom had met a nice girl named Sarah through her work (Sarah was a client) and introduced us. Sarah has two boys who are 2 and 4. She said that on Friday's she takes her boys to the Dunedin Gymnastics Centre for their toddler play hour. So, I decided to take Bodie and meet up with Sarah and one of her coffee group friends at this Gymnastics place.
The gym is located in the industrial area of Dunedin. I'm talking there were more fork lifts on the streets than moving cars! The building is a bit camouflaged, but looking close you'll see Dunedin Gymnastics Centre in blue. The gym is up about 4 flights of stairs, so if you take a stroller you will have to leave it down at the bottom of the stairs.
WOW! Is all i got to say! For $5 my kid got to go and do what he loves most. He got to run, bounce, jump, climb, swing and he didn't get in trouble! All the gymnastic gear was out but there were HEAPS of mattresses on the floor and big swiss balls and trampolines. They had ropes on the bars so the kids could swing, balance beams.
Man, i wish i could have recorded Bodie's face. Especially when i told him that YES he could run, jump and climb on EVERYTHING in there. THEN, the lady put the music on and one of Bodie's favorite songs, Pukeko Stomp, came on! He was like the energizer bunny literally bouncing all over the place with this silly little grin on his face and giggling away!
There is a lady named Jo who does try to add some structure to it. But lots of kids (such as Bodie) didn't have the desire to sit still and walk around with a bean bag on his head, when he could climb up things and jump off! However, when he parachute came out at the end, he was more than willing to participate! (Note: Sarah went to this gymnastics centre when she was a little girl. Jo was a coach then and is 86 years old! I never would have guessed that!)
So, if you are ever in Dunedin on a Friday or Saturday morning. Take your toddler to the Dunedin Gymnastics Centre from 10 - 11 am. The cost is $5 and probably some of the best $5 spent! Address is 41 Willis Street. Toddler classes are not held during school holidays.